Monday 20 August 2012

Nicki Minaj forced to cancel V Festival appearances due to 'vocal cord issues'

Earlier this week she defied doctor's orders to rest her bruised vocal chords, but it seems that Nicki Minaj has finally seen sense.

 The 29-year-old rapper cancelled her appearance at this weekend's V Festival in order to rest her voice.Her representative confirmed that she would have to back out of the shows because of 'strained vocal cords.'

The Starships singer was set to take to the 4 Music stage, but clearly decided to take her doctor's advice instead.According to Digital Spy, festival organisers released a statement that read: 'Miss Minaj's band and crew have all arrived in the UK ahead of the performance at the festival this weekend, however as the artist herself boarded her flight from New York on Friday 17th August, she felt unwell again.'This is despite having thought she had overcome her vocal cord issues from earlier in the week.

Having revisited her doctor she has now been advised to rest for a week, which unfortunately means that she is no longer able to perform at V Festival.'Minaj tweeted earlier this week that her voice had 'gone' following two gigs in New York which she decided to go ahead with.V Festival have instead brought in fun duo LMFAO to replace Minaj's slots at Hylands Park in Chelmsford and Weston Park in Staffordshire.

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